Saturday, June 28, 2008

Air travel - I'm in big trouble

My wife and I flew this week from London to Peoria, IL. The trip was pretty much perfect:

  • Wife was ready perfectly on time in the morning.
  • Taxi arrived just five minutes later than planned.
  • Traffic was light. The normally 30 minute trip to London Heathrow Terminal 3 took 25 minutes -- at 7:30AM on a weekday. Unbelievable.
  • Space for taxi was open at drop-off right across from our check-in desk. Taxi driver hadn't raised rates despite petrol going for 1.25GBP per liter (roughly $10USD per gallon).
  • Only a 20 minute wait in check-in line. No charge for checking 3 bags. We'd been ticketed online with seats apart from each other, but agent found us two together.
  • Crispy Creme donut place just before security. (You have to do it.)
  • Basically no wait at security and except for having to take shoes off, which I hate, a hassle free passage. (Do they EVER catch anything dangerous in in shoes?)
  • Flight left LHR early ... early!
  • [Micro-downside: seats were in middle of 777, and I got the middle of the middle ... next to a fidgety young Spanish girl. The handset for my seat didn't work, but work-around was to use the touchscreen in the seat back in front of me. Mildly irritating, but manageable.]
  • I slept like a dead person for four hours on the 8+ hour flight. [Downside: wife didn't sleep -- allergies. What do they periodically pipe through airline ventilation? It's got to be something.]
  • Landed in Chicago O'hare early ... early ... despite thunderstorms in the area.
  • Waltzed through immigration in spite of wife carrying two Russian passports.
  • Three bags arrived.
  • Through second set of security without problem.
  • Chilli's restaurant right next to our gate. Margaritas good, but seemed pretty much alcohol free. [Downside: blinding ice headache.]
  • Flight on commuter plane to Peoria bump free and on time. Wife slept like a baby for whole 50 minute trip.
  • Limo waiting as promised on arrival.
  • Three bags arrived. Golf clubs in tact. Four bottles of vodka unbroken.
  • Ride to Mom's house safe, uneventful and pleasant.
  • Mom has batch of her world-famous chocolate fudge made.

I am in big trouble. The god or gods that watch over travel have a certain balance sheet that must be maintained. Travel cannot be overly pleasant or people will want to do it all the time and that will over-crowd the system, cause oil prices to rise, and generally just not be good for the general zen of the universe.

The pay back in bad trips that must be coming to balance out this trip doesn't bear thinking about.

The optimist sees the glass half-full.
The pessimist sees the glass half-empty.
The rationalist sees a glass that's twice as big as it needs to be.

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