Saturday, August 30, 2008

Like manna from heaven

OK, I know you're tired of hearing how tired I am of house hunting, but every once in a while ...

We looked at a townhouse to rent today: would have been nice, but filthy dirty inside, as predicted given its price.

We looked at a house to rent today: almost OK, except that the standing water in front apparently really is a problem because as we walk to the front door we see a bright orange citation sticker from the City of Houston saying the house is out of compliance -- mechanical failure. Don't want to deal with either of the two issues. Home for lunch. Fade out.

Fade in -- 40 minute drive to Sugar Land southwest of Houston. Ever faithful Lisa-the-Sat-Nav claims she knows where the new subdivision is that we're trying to find. Two different people at work independently recommended it. At one point Lisa insists there is a road to my left and that I get off on it. Except there is no such road. After much driving in circles and calling Lisa some pretty unflattering things, and in her case anatomically impossible, we punch in another house and let her take us there.

It turns out we're back at the same subdivision (Chelsea Harbour) in which we found "the house with the pumping station" and "the house with the prison". We'll never mind, they're on the total other side of the area, and this house looks good. Near the entrance to the subdivision, but not too near. Near the swimming pool, but not too near. On the 'lake', that allows boating and supposedly has fish in it. We prowl around the outside of the house, peaking in windows.

I notice the house next door is the model home for David Weekley Homes, and it's open. I go inside calling for the sales person. No one home, but a sign says, "Smile, you're on closed circuit television." So, I call Wife in and we proceed to prowl around. It, like all models, is decked out. Extra landscaping. And tons of other little touches. The sales agent, Vicki, shows up, and the bomb shells start falling. Yes, the house is available right now. She's asking $375,000, but will discuss other prices. And, everything in the house except the electronics like television, closed circuit video, etc. is being sold with the house. I ask, "You mean the furniture. Certainly not the accessories like pictures, tableware, etc." Answer, "No, everything stays." Wholly kow.

We re-evaluate the whole shooting match. This means, we could just buy some kingsized sheets and move in. No drapes, no dining room furniture, no bedroom furniture for three extra bedrooms. This is a horse of a completely different color.

I slapped the photos out on FaceBook. Peruse the photos by following the link, and give me your opinions. We're too shocked to be thinking straight.


Danielle Filas said...

I think your post title says it all. Trust your gut!

Deborah Gilbert said...

Dang! It sounds, and looks, like the deal of the century... right price, has the lake/canal, and comes furnished. What's the problem?

Unknown said...

Off the wall. Find the house you really want in Carolina, buy it and let the resulting economics drive your Houston decision. Commute to Carolina as often as time and finances allow. Over a 10 year span you may never find a better price for a home - might as well buy it where you want to be instead of where you are.