Our air shipment arrived at the house after the one false start chronicled in my last post. Wife in a slight panic because they forced her to sign off acceptance of delivery without letting her first check that nothing had been thrown out with the packaging. After cursory look, there doesn't seem to be a problem. We didn't have any small loose items in the air shipment. Mostly it was my clothes, tools, and our computer gear.
Memo to self: when we unpack the sea shipment, we don't even pick up a pen to sign anything until unpackers demonstrate that nothing's been left in the packaging material.
I was all set to connect up our Dell PC when I got home from work last night. I'd carefully packaged the cabling in separate and LABELLED plastic bags. (How good am I?) Everything was going smoothly until I tried to plug in the equipment: UK plugs; US outlets. No workie. Much gnashing of teeth on my part.
So, can't play with computer; let's go pick up new Camry. We toodle the 15-20 minutes or so over to dealership driving our rental Jeep Laredo. Rides like a truck. Steers like a barge. You have a nice view over the guard rails though. Slightly different than my Jag. We meet Gary, our salesman. Our car's clean shiny and waiting. Looks great. I mean GREAT. Gary gives us the once over. Puts the temporary license plate in the back window. Shakes my hand, and we're ready. We decide that since the route home is mostly expressway and Wife's not had a lot of experience with that, that we'd drive the new Toy home and back so she sees the route. We do that and WOW do we love the car. I'm very happy. We get back to the dealership. Plug in Lisa (nee' Fiona) the sat-nav in the Jeep and get Wife set to go. I pull out first; Wife right behind. We putt-putt slowly home. More on why at a later time.
So, new car - check. Air shipment - check.
Now if I just had a house.
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