Yesterday was just a day. I've not had 'just a day' since I don't remember when.
I went to work in my new Camry. I spent the morning thinking about how to negotiate a new software contract with a vendor. I arranged a meeting for next week with the team of people that's going to help me.
At lunch I walked seven blocks to the Federal Building that houses the Post Office. I had to go through airport-style security with US Marshalls because the federal courthouse is in the building. I even had to check my Blackberry because it has photo capability. I found the Post Office and mailed Oklahoma and New Mexico tax forms. The partnership I participate in has gas wells in those states. I didn't have to pay taxes, just file the form -- which tells you how productive my wells are. I walked back to work and got hot, but not steaming. It was a nice stroll.
In the afternoon thunderstorms blew in. At one point it looked like a tornado was

I wanted to leave work at 5:30 but there was a driving rain storm, so I hung until 6PM. It was still raining, but never mind. I walked the five blocks to the cheap ($5) lot where I'd parked. No problems toodling on home.
Wife says that they've fixed the tub-shower, which would only do shower and now does both. She also shows me new mailbox key. The one they gave us originally didn't work.
Wife's cooking her world famous turkey cutlets -- turkey-burgers-with-a-kick. House smells great. She's also making cooked mushrooms in a glass Pyrex casserole dish on the stove. I eyeball that but don't say anything. It looks like it's working OK. Wife's done a great job of organizing what houses we should look at when we return to Sydney Harbour on Saturday. I sit in the living room and study her work, glass of wine in hand. The next thing I hear is the sound of glass shattering and the single word "Shit" coming from the kitchen. Yup, Pyrex bowl just disintegrated on the stove top. Wife decides the best thing to do is cry and walk away. I salvage the cutlets and clean up the mess, picking up the last glass shard with the bottom of my bare foot.
Food tasted great anyway -- particularly the crunchy bits.
I watched two American relay teams drop the baton in the relays. It's not our year for track and field, that's for sure. We look like we're sleepwalking in most of the events.
I did some more house hunting online then settled down at 10pm to watch men's Olympic beach volleyball gold medal match. Americans win first set from Brazil, get hammered second set, and then come out all guns blazing in the third and take it easily. Brazilians look like they just wilted in the 100F heat. Phil Dalhausser - The Thin Monster - is pretty scary. His CHIN is above the net when he jumps. He stuffed the Brazilian-also-monster "Jaws" three times in a row and I lost track of how many times in the last set -- but it was a lot. Cool.
Lights out. It was just a day -- mostly.
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