As a knock on to my earlier post about the Presidential Oath of Office, I'm happy to note that President Obama got together with Chief Justice Roberts and they did their oath thing all the way through without a hitch. Of course people are bitching (a) that there were no press photographers present and (b) that he didn't swear on the Bible. But, he fairly well put to rest the paranoid few who were going to make an issue of the original oath taking. I'm glad he did that. Otherwise we'd have to listen to the moaning for weeks.
But that's not why the President is getting an 'atta boy' from me. It's because he ordered the closing of the Guantanamo military prison. Those of you that know me are probably surprised that I'd not want to keep that murdering bunch of terrorists safely locked up until Cuba sinks into the sea. Under normal circumstances, you'd be right. But our president is not letting them go. He's going to transfer them, he thinks, here to the mainland.
Of course, lots of people, including congressmen, governors, and other bottom dwellers, have ostracised GW Bush for putting those people there in the first place. But, now as the chickens come home to roost -- or in a more appropriate metaphor: the carrion-picking vultures begin to perch -- those same people are saying, "Oh, wait -- not in MY prison." Gosh, that's a shock.
So, I'm happy that this deal is going to make the people who love to gripe but don't want to do anything about it, start putting their money, or at least their prison systems, where their mouth is.
But that's not what I'm really happy about.
What I really hope happens is that they put these guys from Guantanamo into the general prison population in say, San Quentin or Attica -- preferably in the Aryan Nation cell blocks. The GitMo experience will seem like the good ol' days to the terrorists in no time.
So, well done, Mr President. So long as you're not turning those bastards loose, close that baby down, and let them have a little prison hospitality in our 'hood -- for as long as they last.
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