A New Year Resolution: get back to writing a blog post every day. So far so good for 2009.
When I last left you back in mid-November we'd just closed on our new house. The intervening weeks have been busy as you might expect. Household goods from the UK were delivered with only minor damage to a few insignificant items.
Goods that had been in storage in California showed up several days later. No damage there either.
Beautiful big Amana stainless refrigerator got delivered and installed without incident thanks to ABT online shopping site. Ditto with LG washer and drier from Home Depot. Just last week we chose an 8'-long leather sofa with a reddish cast and two matching swivel chairs from Louis Shanks furniture store. We also picked out a bedroom set with bed, chest of drawers, and two night stands. While we were at it we picked a beautiful mirror for our guest bath. The salesperson is pressuring us to get an oriental rug for the room. We saw one we liked, but it was out of budget. Later she called back and gave us an even better price. We said, 'no thanks', but she's bringing three options out to show us when they deliver the furniture on 10 Jan. Here's a link to updated house pictures.
We're still lacking window treatments. Wife is handling that. And we've not found her a car yet. She's got her heart set on Mercedes Benz. That'll take some real looking to find one within budget.
Shopping has consumed most of our time, but we managed a few nice events. For Thanksgiving we went to the buffet brunch at The Club. It was great and a needed break from unpacking.
We also attended our company Christmas ... excuse me ... Holiday Party at the Intercontinental Hotel. They served the best buffet I've ever had. They had two bands playing and had 'for fun' gambling going. We had a great time. We stayed home on Christmas Day and made steaks on the barbecue.
For New Year we went to the party at The Club again. (Gosh, it's cool to be able to say that.) We were seated with some truly nice people and had a fun, fun evening. The food was fabulous and the band was good even though they didn't play any Latin music that we could salsa to. Wife got called up on stage to dance a couple times and acquitted herself extremely well, I should tell you. Who is the oldest person in these pictures?
I've been walking the four golf holes that surround the house about everyday. I can start on hole #5, play #6, cut across the course and play #3 and #4 and be back at my house. I've also played one of the full 18 hole courses a couple of times. The first time I broke 100 and I didn't think that was possible. There's water on 14 of the 18 holes. The next time I played, well, it was a disaster, but that's golf after all.
So that's a good start for the New Year: one post done and 364 more to go.
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